Company information

Lion Finance Group PLC’s registered address is 29 Farm Street, London W1J 5RL. It is registered in England and Wales with company number 10917019.

The Company has appointed Computershare Investor Services PLC to maintain its share register. You should contact the Registrars with any enquiries regarding your account including but not restricted to any of the following:

  • Change of name or address
  • Death of shareholder
  • Loss of share certificate
  • Loss of dividend warrant or tax voucher
  • Unclaimed dividends
  • Change of dividend mandate

The main operating subsidiary of the Company is JSC Bank of Georgia. You can see JSC Bank of Georgia’s credit ratings here.

You can find biographies of Board members as well as Executive Management team members here.

You can read more about Lion Finance Group PLC’s sustainability practices in the Annual Report and Accounts, and the Sustainability sections of this website.


Lion Finance Group PLC’s ordinary shares can be bought or sold through a share dealing service or a stockbroker.

Lion Finance Group PLC’s ordinary shares are listed on the Equity shares (commercial companies) segment of the London Stock Exchange with code BGEO.LN. Our ticker is “BGEO” and the ISIN identifier is GB00BF4HYT85.



You can use the share price chart tool on our website.

Lion Finance Group PLC carries out a share buyback and cancellation programme in line with the capital distribution policy it announced on 13 September 2021. You can find details of the share buyback and cancellation programme here.

Any enquiries relating to shareholdings on the share register should be sent to the Registrars. You can find contact details for them and our investor relations team on the Contacts page. The Registrars offer an online facility, Investor Centre, which enables shareholders to manage their shareholding electronically. Any questions regarding shareholdings held through a nominee account should be addressed to your nominee.

Lion Finance Group Plc’s ISIN code is GB00BF4HYT85. Lion Finance Group Plc’s Reuters’ symbol is BGEO.L, and its Bloomberg symbol is BGEO:LN.

Dividend information

Please visit Dividend and Capital Distribution Policy section for details on historic dividends.

The Bank announces payment of dividends on the London Stock Exchange. Shareholders will be notified by the registrars and/or nominee.

If you are the named shareholder on the share register, please contact the Bank’s registrar. If you hold your shares through a nominee account, please contact your nominee.

Corporate events

Lion Finance Group PLC holds an Annual General Meeting (AGM) in London each year, usually in the second quarter. Please visit Shareholder Meetings to check if the date of the next AGM has been formally announced and to see information about previous AGMs

Financial information

The Annual Report and Accounts are usually published in late March/early April and are available here.

The Company does not intend to publish half-yearly reports for distribution to shareholders. The half-yearly results press release will be published on the Announcements section of our website.

Lion Finance Group PLC’s independent auditor is Ernst & Young LLP. Please refer to our most recent annual report and accounts or interim report for the latest independent auditor’s report or independent review respectively.

Lion Finance Group PLC’s financial year is the calendar year up to and including 31 December. Annual results are usually announced at the end of February or early in March of the following year. In addition, the Company reports interim results for the six months to 30 June each year, which are usually announced towards the end of July or early in August. Quarterly updates are provided for the first and third quarters.

Please visit the Results Centre.

An electronic version of the Annual Report is available on the Lion Finance Group Plc website here.

Other questions

The Company does not intend to publish half-yearly reports for distribution to shareholders. The half-yearly results press release will be published on the Announcements section of our website.

As at 31 January 2024 the “Effective Rule 9 Threshold” (as defined in the Company’s 2018 listing prospectus and in summary being the level of holding of the Company’s shares carrying voting rights above which a mandatory offer would be triggered under Rule 9 of the Takeover Code once the shares held by Georgia Capital are removed from the denominator) is 10,732,254 shares representing 24.20% of the Company’s issued share capital.

Over the last few years, a number of companies have become aware that their shareholders have received unsolicited phone calls or correspondence concerning investment matters which imply a connection to the company concerned. These are typically from overseas-based brokers (‘boiler rooms’) who target UK shareholders offering to sell them what often turn out to be worthless or high-risk shares in US or UK investments, sometimes in exchange for ‘blue chip’ investments.

Those operating these boiler rooms are usually well-spoken, knowledgeable, very persistent, and extremely persuasive. A survey by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has reported that the average amount lost by investors is around £20,000, and not only novice investors have been duped in this way; many victims have been people with previous experience of investing or share dealing.

Shareholders are advised to be very wary of any unsolicited advice, offers to buy shares at a discount or offers of free reports about the company.

If you receive any unsolicited investment advice:

  • Ensure you get the correct name of the person and organisation and record any other information they give you, e.g. telephone number, address etc
  • Check that they are properly authorised by the FCA before getting involved. You can check at www.fca.org.uk/register.

The FCA also maintains on its website a list of unauthorised overseas firms who are targeting, or have targeted, UK investors, and any approach from such organisations should be reported to the FCA so that this list can be kept up to date and any other appropriate action can be considered. Dealing with an unauthorised firm would render you ineligible to receive relevant payment under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.

The FCA can also be contacted by completing an online form at www.fca.org.uk/consumers/protect-yourself/unauthorised-firms or, if you do not have access to the internet, on 0800 111 6768.

  • Inform our Registrars on +44 (0)370 873 5866. While they are unable to investigate such incidents themselves, they will record the details, pass them on to the Company, and liaise with the FCA.

The Fraud Advisory Panel has produced leaflets on Investment

Scams www.fraudadvisorypanel.org/Investment-Scams and Boiler Room

Scams www.fraudadvisorypanel.org/Boiler-Room-Fraud with practical advice to consider before purchasing shares.